Engines / UDS Engines by part number / 01 - Engine [EV_ECM14TFS01104E906014AC 001008] / Disconnect after impact - unblocking

Mark Model Control unit Diagnostic operation
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Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Diagnostic procedure

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•         This procedure may require the roof to be opened or the SFD protection to be unlocked
This procedure may require temporary deactivation of the Gateway diagnostic filter

This is the procedure for unlocking the following control unit after impact: XX - engine

The procedure for unlocking after impact must be performed in the following order on the following control units:

•         XX - engine
XX - Electric drive
XXXX - DC Convertor
XC - HV Battery
CX - Battery charger
XX - Gateway

Go to the respective control units in VIS for the specific procedures

Only persons with the appropriate qualifications may work on repairs to vehicles with a high-voltage system! The author of this procedure explicitly prohibits use of this information and performance of this procedure if you do not have the appropriate qualifications!!!

connect with the control unit XX - engine

Unlock SFD

XX - Basic settings UDS
select item in menu:
- high-voltage system - Impact data: unblocking
desired condition: Successfully completed

delete error memory

continue: XX - Electric drive

Created on: X.X.XXXX XX:XX:XX (hnz) Copyright © XXXX-XXXX, AutoComSoft Ltd All rights reserved.
Special thanks to Josef Haptman

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